Tuesday T-Shirt Trivia!
As part of my ongoing effort to clothe homeless traders, I’m starting a weekly fun segment called T-Shirt Trivia! For the next little while on Tuesdays, I’ll put up a random question (which may contain multiple parts), and the very first person to contact me will win a T-shirt from TheStockBandit.com!
Only a few rules apply:
1. You must use the contact form when you submit your answer.
2. Include your name & mailing address when you submit your answer.
3. Only the first completely correct answer submitted will win a t-shirt.
Now, let’s get started!
Because we trade for the money, and it’s about more than “just the Benjamins,” this week’s trivia question pertains to some “paper” of the past. The first person to correctly answer (first & last names) whose pictures are on the front of the following U.S. currencies wins this week’s shirt:
– $500 Bill
– $1,000 Bill
– $5,000 Bill
– $10,000 Bill
If you know the answer, send me your name & address via the contact form, and the first to correctly identify who’s on the front of each bill wins. Good luck!
Jeff White
President, The Stock Bandit, Inc.