December 27, 2006 at 11:12 pm | | Comments 0

Getting Ready for 2007

You may be trading the holiday market this week, but I am not. It’s been a great time to get away from the screens and spend time with family and gear up for next year (next week I guess I could say). As you and I get ready for 2007 to begin, we’ve got a few things to keep in mind.

We need to set lofty trading goals because we’ll be starting over again. It’s also important to keep in mind that the market could very well shift gears and throw us a few curves, so anything could certainly happen once January arrives.

Whatever your plans are for trading in 2007, remember that small mistakes add up slowly, keep Goal Number 1 at the top of your list, and honor those stops at all times!

I’ll see you on the other side,

Jeff White
President, The Stock Bandit, Inc.

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