April 05, 2012 at 8:10 am | | 0 Thoughts

Win More by Risking Less

Each of us understands that we have to take some risks to get paid, but for most traders, improvement lies in taking the right kinds of risks.

Recently I sat down with Tim Bourquin for a MoneyShow Interview, and we discussed this topic of how to Win More by Risking Less.  The clip is 3 minutes and can be viewed here.

In the segment, we discuss the mentality traders should bring to trading, the importance of knowing your exit, risk/reward ratios, and position sizing.  We also discuss the often misleading notion of accuracy in trading and what that should be replaced with.

(Another 3-minute video from this same interview discusses The Trade Plan that Works For Me, which you may also enjoy.)

Trade Like a Bandit!

Jeff White
Producer of The Bandit Broadcast

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