January 16, 2006 at 2:48 pm | | Comments 0

Links for a Day Off

With the market closed, it’s good to be able to do some catching up. Here’s a slew of links I’ve recently run across which you might find interesting while passing time on a quiet Monday.

The End of Boredom

Mr. Rubik would be proud

On again, off again….Make up your mind already!

iPod on the road

Mel Gibson and Danny Glover would be proud

Daring to be Great: Trading Lessons from the “Splendid Splinter”

Getting Comfortable with Uncertainty

Jay Z would be proud

Two Year Old called for Jury Duty

Attention scalpers

We must protect this house!

I just lost my appetite

But will they sound as good as the classics?

Also, SeekingAlpha is offering transcripts for Conference Calls this earnings season.

Jeff White
President, The Stock Bandit, Inc.

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