September 22, 2011 at 9:19 am | | Comments 5

The Simplest Way to Trade

When it comes to trading, complicated does not equate to better.  So with that said, here’s a quick checklist you can use to keep your trading simple.

Keep a core portfolio of positions you like.

Learn to locate new trades, identify patterns, and employ the best strategy given the conditions.

If the pattern confirms, enter the trade.

If the pattern fails, exit the trade.

If your target is met, reduce position (if momentum is still present) or exit completely.

Trading might not ever be EASY, but you can make it simple.

Trade Like a Bandit!

Jeff White
Producer of The Bandit Broadcast

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  1. Way to keep the post simple as well. Thanks for all you do and share Jeff!

  2. Thanks Sam, I figured the ‘KISS’ part wouldn’t carry much weight if I got too wordy! I appreciate your comments too, thanks for taking the time to express it.

  3. Ahh an article i love. Indeed after a long time i learned that simple techniques
    work very good for successful trading. Don’t make it to hard!

  4. Thanks and I agree, simple keeps our focus where it should be…on the price action!

  5. Great post! Thanks for simple and focussed ideologies. Simple ways to do anything is always welcome.

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